When we began the jump training, it also became evident that Sean had much more explosive power than either of the two guys who had the most in the rest of the group (myself and Will). Without being that much taller than us, his long jump was easily 1.5 or 2 feet longer than either Will or I (who are about the same distance, with Will being able to cover a slightly longer distance). Of course, this isn't a competition. I merely record all of this because I was so thoroughly impressed by sean. Ultimately, he had to leave early. Or maybe he was just bored, I don't know. I suppose the appropriate action was to ask him if there was anything HE wanted to work on. Hadn't Dan taught us that much? But alas, it slipped my mind.
We moved onto railings afterwards to practice balance walking and quading. With Raquel and her boyfriend Alex, I later went over the basics of vaulting. After Eugene showed up, we moved on to the infamous wall from some of the first sessions back with Wolf. Yes, the wall that I've never been able to surmount. To get to the wall, I sprinted with the weighted bag dragged behind. Just for fun.
In any case, we practiced some precision jumps by the curbs and then moved on to the wall. It resulted in some blood on my part... A scrape of the hand agaisnt the wall that bled immensely. That's the picture up there, if you hadn't guessed. But the good news is that I fully finger-curled the highest distance of the wall. That means, in more ideal and less slippery conditions, I've got it. That also means that my wall run has gotten higher. I'm not sure which muscles were worked out to get that much more distnace.. whether it was the hams or the quads.. But i'm grateful nonetheless.
After soem wall-run training, it all winded down as the wind picked up and made everyone super uncomfortable. We stretched, and then I donned on the weighted vest and walked back to the car.. not an easy ordeal, especially when leaving a trail of blood behind. Overall, a great session.
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