The day started off early, especially since I woke up at 8AM having gone to bed at 4AM. All the same, I had training in a few hours. 11:30 kicked off a training session at McMaster University. In the process, I lost my wallet. It was a lot of fun, otherwise. Here are some pictures of the day (Blogspot only; dont' feel like uploading):

In addition to the fun day of training, I got to meet Trevor for the second time, and Erika for the first. Both great people. After we had some lunch and rested a bit, Jordan drove Trev and I up to The Monkey Vault for some serious training. And boy did Dan have a workout for us.
Our "warm-up" consisted of a sled loaded with 180lbs and a harness made of two strong bands. Our job was to sprint at max speed, dragging the sled along, until we slowed down and were no longer moving forward steadily... Ten times. I gagged a little at cycle 8, but no vomit! Pretty happy about that, to be perfectly honest.
The workout itself consisted of switching off between tire flipping, KB farmer walks, and rest. The three of us were to travel 400m and back. One man on tire, one on farmer walk, and one on rest. After twenty of the tire flips, we rotated. This was a pretty difficult work-out, but it was a lot of fun. Grueling as it was (50lb KBs in each hand is no easy task), we all had a blast. The last section of the work-out consisted of one of us hugging onto a 45lb sandbag and doing 10 squats, then throwing it to the next person. Five cycles. Not a problem. Lots of fun.
The rest of the evening was spent goofing around, doing some tricks, doing some more strength exercises, and having a blast at the Monkey Vault in general. We saw legends like Dimmonk and Brayden do their thing and be generally crazy, and we all had a great time. The workout made it all worth it. For a little while there, I completely forgot about losing my wallet. And now that I'm back home, I'm pretty pissed off about it. ;)
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