Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cardio and some endurance

Joint rotation
500m light jog

20:00 HIIT, 30 sec jog, 30 sec sprint

Rest, 2 minutes

3 sets of:
20 pseudoplanche push-ups
20 wide-stance push-ups
10m handstand walk
10 9ft. broad jumps
10 dumb-bell snatches (60lbs)

10:00 rail balance

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Blog and Georgetown Jam

First of all, I've had to start a new blog because my old email is no longer valid. Terrible shame, since there's a lot of good stuff on the old blog, and some people had links to it and checked it... But this blog is for my own personal training, nothing else. I could really care less if anyone knows about it or not. This is really just about me and my path... the endless struggles I have to keep motivated and to keep training, even when I don't want to.. even when my life is in utter chaos.. or I'm too tired or too lazy.. or any other reason, really. Because it really isn't easy to keep training all the time.. like everything in my life, I have motivation problems. I have commitment issues. But this blog, even if no one ever sees it, is the window I have into staying regular about this.

Onward... Today, there was a Rosslyn/Georgetown Jam that kicked off at 11AM and lasted until 5pM! That's a long time! I got there at noon. We did the standard and typical stuff.. vaulting, running, climbing, jumping.. very laid back and very easy.. I gave some pointers to the newcomers about vaulting technique and various other things and I could see them progress right in front of me. We even picked up a random that I proceeded to instruct.

We found a wall that's about three times as high as I am. I always thought that TSH was an incredibly short wall, but it used to give me trouble a long while ago, too. This wall, though.. the fact taht I even got as close as I did tells me that I've progressed a long way from my meagre beginnings. Only once did my fingers wrap around the ledge, and I didn't expect it, so I didn't manage to hold on. I was always within inches of the top, but I never made it. It has become my goal for the rest of the summer. I don't think it'll take another two months, honestly, but I won't push myself. It's bad for my legs.

After that, we found anther small area that occupied us for some time and then broke for lunch. It was a good sandwich. At this point, we were above the Exorcist steps and I trained balancing on the rails for awhile, and then fooled around with vaults and moving continuously, among other things. The balance was very difficult for me, but I'm glad I did as well as I did. The day closed with some work in Rosslyn and an extremely exhausted run through Gateway Park before collapsing and driving home.

Overall, a good day... but I'm exhausted to no end.