Friday, February 26, 2010


1x8 135lbs
1x8 185lbs
1x5 235lbs
1x5 270lbs
1x5 310lbs

Bench Press:
1x8 45lbs
1x8 95lbs
1x5 130lbs
1x5 150lbs
1x5 170lbs

Farmer's Walk:
1x40ft 2x105lbs DBs

DB Bench Press:
3x8 2x55lbs

Chest-Supported Row:
3x8 70lbs

Malek Row/Dual Cable Rear Delt Fly Superset:
3x10, 8 90lbs/15lbs each cable

Vanity Lifts:
3x8 60lbs Strict curl
3x6 45lbs Seated curl
2x8 15lbs Hammer curls, each side

Abs (2 sets):
6 Ab-wheel roll-outs with Orange band resistance
30 sec Pallof Press isometric hold with orange band, each side

Forearms/grip killing me. That's what I get for putting all the heavy pulls in one day. Good thing, though. Been awhile since I've done any grip work,a nd here I don't even need to do dedicated grip training.

Aside from that... Today was the first of the "official" 5/3/1 set-up.. Next week will start Squats on the second week of the 5/3/1 cycle. I just wanted to play with the chains this week, so I did 5/3/1 under that. Deadlifting 310 five times after those other sets was a bit tough, but doable.

I'm doing the weight just as Wendler prescribed.. I took my max for DL and bench (405 and 225 respectively) and subtracted it by 10%. That left me with 365 for DL and 200 even for bench. Those are my working maxes at this point in time. So there will be slow sloooow progress, but hey, I'm just looking to maintain, after all, right?

I'm back down to 157... Hopefully, it keeps up. Slow and steady.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So today was my first power/speed/agility day. I started it off with a few box jumps.. 30 inches, 36 inches, then 42 inches. Then I set them up to do a series of depth jumps. Then I decided to do kongs for distance with the 36 inches. Best was a 7 foot exit distance with a two-step entrance.

So after that, I moved into the group room to set up the speed/agility portion of the day. I set up short hurdles to do some ladder-style drills and lateral hops.. and I set up some cones for a T-drill. I'd do the ladder drill, T-drill, then lateral hops.. twice each.. before reversing the hurdles to do everything leading with the other side instead.

THIS KILLED MY CARDIO. Also realized that I'm slow and clumsy as fuck. However, I did get better as I kept doing the drills.

That's all for today. Nothing major.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The New Program

So it's been awhile since I've posted up much of anything. I was on DeFranco's Built Like A Badass program for awhile, and that was part of it. Another part is that afterward, I started to drift aimlessly. My best lifts went up to 345 squat, 225 bench, and 405 deadlift. At this point, I have absolutely no interest in getting stronger. I'll go for strength again, but right now, athleticism and strength maintenance are what I'm after... That means getting better at Parkour (or at least the components that make a good traceur), and getting my conditioning level back to something workable. I'll also be starting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu shortly, and this new program will have to be modified to accomodate for that.

The program will be set up to include two full body strength days a week (on Mondays and Fridays) with the main lifts following Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 loading protocol. Steady-state cardio will be included 5-6 days a week to help drop weight (as I've returned to 160, even though it's a great deal more muscle these days than beforehand). Wednesdays will consist of power, speed, and agility drills formatted in a manner to first develop maximal power and speed, work agility, then condition like crazy. Once BJJ starts, I'll figure a way to factor that in. Accessory lifts on the strength days will actually be rotating so as to include bodyweight exercises, loaded, short plyometrics, isometric holds, etc. For instance, today looked like this:

Box Jump
6x3 42"

8x85lbs at top (referring to added chain weight)
5x185lbs at top
5x225lbs at top
5x265lbs at top

Bulgarian Split-Squat Jumps
3x5, each leg


Lat Pull-down
6 x "10" on the weight stack
8 x "8" on the weight stack
10 x "6" on the weight stack

Military Press
2x6 135lbs

Plate Press / Handstand Hold Superset
3x8 / 3x30 secs

Lateral Raise / Handstand Hold Superset
2x8 15lbs / 2x15 secs

Now, I know this sounds like a huge amount of volume, but what I'm realizing is that it's impossible to make decent progress without hitting the muscle groups multiple times.. Heavy first, then at lighter weights and higher reps. Something like Rippetoe's Starting Strength or Wendler's actual program... just wouldn't be very effective for me at this point in time. It's almost too simplistic. I can't work my shoulders with one lift and be done with it. That's pretty much asking for a rotator cuff tear at some point. So the shoulders get hit with a few different exercises.. But overall.. Monday is set up for a push with the legs, and the vertical movements for the upper body.. While Friday will consist of the pulls for the legs/lower back.. and the horizontal movements for the upper body.

Because of the high variability of this program, I'll be recording pretty much everything every time other than cardio days. So everyone gets to see me posting regularly again. My current goal is to just drop down to 145lbs, maintain my strength levels (for the most part), and hopefully increase my power, speed, etc. I'll probably rotate accessory exercises every two weeks.. though some exercises may stay longer (especially if they're fun), and some may only be there for one week.