Friday, February 26, 2010


1x8 135lbs
1x8 185lbs
1x5 235lbs
1x5 270lbs
1x5 310lbs

Bench Press:
1x8 45lbs
1x8 95lbs
1x5 130lbs
1x5 150lbs
1x5 170lbs

Farmer's Walk:
1x40ft 2x105lbs DBs

DB Bench Press:
3x8 2x55lbs

Chest-Supported Row:
3x8 70lbs

Malek Row/Dual Cable Rear Delt Fly Superset:
3x10, 8 90lbs/15lbs each cable

Vanity Lifts:
3x8 60lbs Strict curl
3x6 45lbs Seated curl
2x8 15lbs Hammer curls, each side

Abs (2 sets):
6 Ab-wheel roll-outs with Orange band resistance
30 sec Pallof Press isometric hold with orange band, each side

Forearms/grip killing me. That's what I get for putting all the heavy pulls in one day. Good thing, though. Been awhile since I've done any grip work,a nd here I don't even need to do dedicated grip training.

Aside from that... Today was the first of the "official" 5/3/1 set-up.. Next week will start Squats on the second week of the 5/3/1 cycle. I just wanted to play with the chains this week, so I did 5/3/1 under that. Deadlifting 310 five times after those other sets was a bit tough, but doable.

I'm doing the weight just as Wendler prescribed.. I took my max for DL and bench (405 and 225 respectively) and subtracted it by 10%. That left me with 365 for DL and 200 even for bench. Those are my working maxes at this point in time. So there will be slow sloooow progress, but hey, I'm just looking to maintain, after all, right?

I'm back down to 157... Hopefully, it keeps up. Slow and steady.

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