Monday, March 1, 2010


1x8 empty bar
1x8 135lbs
1x8 185lbs
1x3 215lbs
1x3 250lbs
1x3 280lbs

3x8 BW

BSS Jumps:
2x5 2x10lbs each leg

Lat Pull-down:
1x10 8 stack
1x8 10 stack
1x6 12 stack

3x8 6.5 stack

Military Press:
2x8 135lbs

Front Raises/Handstand Hold Superset:
2x8 15lbs, each arm/5 push-ups+30 sec hold

Hurt my shoulder with the military press. Owie. Gonna have to rest from overhead movements for a bit, I think.

true 1RM for squat si 345lbs. Minus 10% is 310 as the working max.

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