Friday, March 26, 2010


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This was supposed to be the day that I recorded the first part of my plyometric series for traceurs. I left my camera at home, and the group room that I do these drills in was being painted anyhow.

However, I did solidify my approach to how I will be filming this thing. The first video will be outlined as such:

- Explain plyometrics briefly and its application to Parkour.
- Explain deceleration and why it is important to begin drilling these skills first.

Lateral Bounds w/ Pause
Basic Landing
Forward Bound to Elevation w/ Pause
Lateral Landing
Single Leg Depth Drop
Single Leg Lateral Depth Drop/Jump
Multiple Forward Bound w/ Paused Landing
Backpedal Hops

That should round it out pretty well before we go into some basic agility stuff from these drills.

Friday, March 26, 2010

1x8 135lbs
1x3 225lbs
1x5 245lbs
1x5 280lbs
1x7 320lbs

1x8 empty bar
1x5 95lbs
1x5 135lbs
1x5 155lbs
1x8 175lbs

Rear-Leg Elevated Power Cleans:
3x3 60lbs, each leg

Incline DB:
2x10 2x45lbs

Tucked Front Lever Pull-ups:

Isolateral Low Row:
2x5 2x70lbs

Strict Curl:
3x8 60lbs

Wrist Isometrics:
3x25 secs 40lbs

I feel pretty strong today. Hit 320 for seven on DL, 175 for 8 on bench.. I think both of those are rep PRs. Oddly enough, this is the lowest in weight I've been in months and I did this work-out fasted (with 350mg of caffeine in my system, but still).. I am, however, beat the crap up. Lots of ab work in BJJ last night.

Two new exercises came about.. The first is a Bulgarian Split-squat style power clean. It's really just powering through a deadlift on one leg, but it's an incredible accessory to developing power off the floor in a DL.. theoretically, anyhow. we'll see how it goes. If the weight weren't so light, I'd just do a speed pull, but the clean seems to work out best the way I'm doing it. The other exercise is just a tucked front lever pull-up. super short range of motion, so I'm not sure how beneficial it is. each set, I tried to tuck my legs less and less, but it obviously made it more difficult to maintain good form. All the same, it all worked out pretty well.

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