Thursday, May 6, 2010


Deadlift w/ Chains:
1x8 135lbs
1x5 225lbs
1x5 275lbs
1x3 315lbs
5x1 365lbs

Bench Press:
1x8 empty bar
1x5 135lbs
1x5 185lbs
1x1 225lbs

DB Bench:
2x8 2x60lbs

Power Pull/Handstand Superset:
3x8 pulls/1 handstand hold for max time

So, one set of chains is definitely not enough when it comes to deadlifting. Left my belt at home today, so did it completely raw, and well.. 385 felt easy, nevermind that there was an extra 40lbs at the top. It should help my lock-out, though, so I'm going to keep this in for a little bit.

"Power pulls" are really just plyometric pull-ups. No clap, nothing fancy, just pull, hands come off, then catch and return to deadhang. Was fun.

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