Thursday, May 27, 2010

Past week.

I suppose I should take the time to log what I've been doing... Haven't really gotten around to it because I've been so busy working on the gym at UrbanEvolution! Pretty soon, this blog will be defunct (the actual blogger content.. will probably maintain in some semblance on PKTO and PKVA, but not regularly). Eventually, the UrbanEvo website will house an education-based blog for Parkour and strength training written by yours truly. Also, expect some big things in the future, for anyone who cares.

Last Friday: Loaded up the barbell at UrbanEvo with all the weight we had at the time (385lbs) and DL'd it with ease.!/video/video.php?v=1339436496955&ref=mf

Monday: I loaded the bar with 345 and squatted singles. No video, but I did take a photo of the bar:

Then 90lb sled sprints uphill in our parking lot:

Today: 435lb DL attempt (couldn't even get it off the ground). Got 415 without a problem, though. Then floor press, 185 for a triple. Then clean and jerks with 95lbs for metcons.

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