Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lifting and Some Reflections

8 mi bike to gym
Joint rotation

5x5 squats (145lbs)
3x3 Deadlifts (145lbs)
5x5 overhead press (135lbs)
5x8 pull-ups

8 mi bike ride home

Similar to last week, no weight change since I'm still getting accustomed to it. The overhead press was too easy last time, though, so I went up. At the gym, I saw a young lady being instructed in how to clean and jerk, which made me smile. You really don't see that enough these days. I assume that she's training for Oly-lifting comps.

Overall thoughts, since it's about time.. It seems that I'm the same weight I was three years ago when I started Parkour (180lbs), but there's a huge difference between who I was then and who I am now. Physically, I'm MUCH leaner, I can endure more than a few minutes of exercise, I can climb, jump, run, quad.. I can do things I never dreamed myself capable of. Even in the last few months, I've noticed a vast improvement in my physical abilities.. Is it because I'm training more? Or is it because I'm training smarter? My frequency of training has actually decreased, so it must simply be that I'm utilising my time more properly. The intensity's been amped and I'm paying more attention to my body and what's good for me. And although I'm at 180lbs again, I am a fit person.

My bodyfat is currently at 15.8% this morning. I want to aim for 12% by the end of November. That might be a bit much, but it's my current goal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can reach your goals if you really want to :)