Friday, November 21, 2008

Themed Training - Cardio Conditioning

Too tired to write this up last night. So... last night was another themed session down at Mason, focusing on cardio conditioning. It went pretty well and went something along the lines of:

2 laps QM
1 lap QM with right hand behind back
1 lap QM with left hand behind back
1 lap QM with right leg up
1 lap QM with left leg up
2 laps backwards jog
2 laps QM gorilla run
2 laps duckwalk
2 laps reverse QM
Obstacle shuttle run

Then a joint rotation. I then took them to a long hill that was probably about 150m long with two rails to either side. I didn't make them do the whole thing because they were pretty exhausted, but down about a quarter of it (yes, only a quarter), I made them zig zag the path, vault both rails back and forth until they reached the end, then QM back up the center path. Then they did it again and reverse-QM'd. Then we opened it up for free play.

Over all, it was quite a bit of fun. People got tired, legs probably gave out a little... People were actually rather amused by what "cardio" meant for me and had a difficult time getting used to using their upper bodies in cardio (even though it WAS just quad). The arm-behind-back stuff done in the gym is easy-peasy, but on icy cold concrete, it was interesting. My palms started to get a little torn up, and I can only imagine what that did to the people with softer hands (although... to be fair... my hands are girlie-soft). That's the reason why the limb-restricted QMs were only one lap rather than two.

The free play was good, light-hearted fun. Nick's daringness and balance are both rather impressive. We tried some rather high wallruns that I couldn't surpass. Best, on all of them, was a finger-curl. Not a big deal. They'll be conquered.

What actually excites me is that now that I've introduced this group to the conditioning and a tiny bit of more appropriate themed training ideas, I can start doing the conditioning in conjunction with proper themes. It cuts down on possible free time, but it seems this group needs a longer structured period, anyhow. That's fine by me. Luckily, I also have two weeks to plan out our next session.

On the note of things, I'm feeling a little sore. Particularly in my lower legs. But that's probably due to my tibiales getting weaker again and, after the session when every split off, I decided to sprint back to my car which was a pretty fair distance on its own.

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