Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Jam at Meridian Hill

Today, a day after halloween, was a costumed jam at Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC. Never been there before and it served as a way to meet and mingle with the new DC community so very influenced by Primal Fitness. We began with a pretty nice and long warm-up of one-legged jumps, inclined push-ups (I clapped, which was very stupid of me), then a long QM, a long reverse QM, and walking up and down steps. There was a brief technical run through the park, which consisted of my costume falling off at one part, showing my nice boxers off.. and then me deciding to walk the rest up to the top. Must say, it was rather amusing. The rest of the time was jamming, although I did a very awkward arm hang at the end which left me rather sore and spent. Overall, a good jam.

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