Sunday, January 18, 2009

Back to the weight room.

1mi run
Joint rotation

5x5 Deadlifts (150lbs)
2x7 Pull-ups
5x5 Bench press (130lbs)

Overhead ab press-up hold 1:00 (x4)

Lmao... Okay, you'll notice that this workout is incredibly short. Basically, I woke up ridiculously late yesterday and I also only ate twice... minimally. I didn't process that when I went into the weight room today, so the DLs went without an issue, and on the second set of pull-ups, I just fatigued really early. Okay, so I took a few minutes of rest... and hit the bench press since I didn't think doing squats or anything of that sort would be a good idea. This is about 10lbs lighter than usual for a few reasons, namely that it's been awhile since I've hit the weights and I was feeling the fatigue pretty early.. On the fifth set of the bench, my arms just gave out and the bar fell to my chest. I was trapped! Someone noticed and pulled it off of me.

I kept thinking in my head, "I have to push harder. I can't let myself off easy. One more set. I know you're tired, but just one more set. Think of who you need to protect. Do it for her." And after that bar collapsed on me, I remembered how little I had eaten... So I decided enough was enough.. Fix the diet. Keep training later.

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