Monday, January 5, 2009

Weighted vest!

So I finally got my vest! Here was today's workout:

2:00 jumping jacks
2:00 knee-highs
Joint rotation

3x12 kettlebell swings
3x8 split-squat jumps (50lb vest, each leg)
3x8 kneeling abwheels (15lb vest)
1x4 pull-ups (15xlb)

2:00 knee-highs

So the summary is... this was a lot less than I expected to get done, and it killed me a LOT more than expected. Partly because I'm out of shape, partly because I didn't expect the vest to take its toll so much. For instance, I expected to be able to do 3x5 pull-ups with the 15lbs. Didn't happen. I also expected to do 12 split-squat jumps, but decided through the first set to stop at 8. It was a good decision.

Either way, this was a good investment, I can tell. I look forward to continued training with it.

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