Tuesday, August 4, 2009

DE "C&J"/RE Upright Row

Upper body warm-up

DE Kipless "Clean and Jerk":
1x8 empty bar
1x3 55lbs
1x3 65lbs
8x3 75lbs

RE Upright Row:
1x15 85lbs
1x12 85lbs
1x9 85lbs

Horizontal Pull:
3x12 Inverted Row

Horizontal Push:
3x8 135lbs Bench

"BB Finisher":
1x12 45lbs Strict curl
2x8 45lbs Strict curl
2x8 HSPUs
2x8 25lbs Hammer curls, each arm

Over the weekend, I got to play around a bit on Dan's bench press upstairs with Jordan and Ewok. He's got a bench made by Elite FTS and it was super nice, but one thing I noticed in particular was that the bench was MUCH higher than I'm used to. Because of this, tucking my legs underneath my hips was much easier and I got a decent arch in my back with ease and comfort. 135lbs felt really light and easy in this position. Going back to the bench here, I knew what REAL leg drive felt like (and I have never actually used leg drive before, I've realized), so I found a way to get into proper position on a standard lower bench.. Well, let me tell you, it's uncomfortable as shit. I remember Christian Thibadeau saying after Dave Tate taught him the PL bench that it's one of the most uncomfortable things you could do.. His exact words were, "Now I know why powerlifters never go beyond three reps. There's no way you could lay in that position for more than three reps!" That's pretty much how I felt, but I did manage to get the 135 to feel a lot lighter.. I think this technical improvement should improve my 1RM by at least a bit. It didn't feel as light as it did in Toronto, though.. shame shame.

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