Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random things.

It's been quite a while since I made a post... mostly because I haven't had any access to a gym, as stated before, and I don't feel there's much of a reason to make a post. But I've been keeping things up.. I mean, a lot of bodyweight stuff and stuff with my weight vest. There's been some Parkour and other such things, so I mean... things are maintained, I guess, even if I do expect a loss of strength to come out of this.

Today, Mark and I whipped out my sled and did sprints back and forth on a basketball course. The format was always the same: one full sprint forward, one backwards drag. We alternated and eventually worked up to about 120lbs. Not a whole lot, but definitely enough to feel it working. The only thing we didn't anticipate was that it was 90 degrees outside and we were in direct sunlight. It wasn't long before my vision started to flash (anyone who's ever been severely dehydrated, at heat exhaustion, or even in hypothermia will know what "flashing vision" is). And we kept going. The nausea came next. We kept going. Then my vision started blacking at the edges. ..okay.. probably time to call it quits.

Turns out we both suffered from heat exhaustion and were miserable for the rest of the day and night. But it was still the first good workout I've gotten in awhile.

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