Monday, July 13, 2009

ME Squats/DE GHR - Parkour/Tire

Lower body warm-up

Circa-ME Squats:
1x8 45lbs Overhead
1x5 95lbs
1x5 115lbs
1x5 135lbs
3x8 185lbs

DE Hang Cleans:
3x3 115lbs

6x4 BW explosive concentric/slow eccentric

3x8 2x35lbs BSS, each side

Weighted abs

I've started doing full ROM squats as a way to get myself so used to breaking parallel that it'll be natural come competition time, but my strength out of the hole is pretty atrocious. I probably could have done 205 for a 5RM, but I'm going to go about it slowly and increase by maybe 10lbs each week. At the end, I'll go back to check how just breaking parallel feels.

Hours later, there was a Parkour session. I went into it feeling pretty well, but I really didn't expect to get so pissed off with everyone today. I am NOT going to use this blog as a venting site, but to be quite fair, I felt very early on like I was babysitting a bunch of 15 year olds, and then I blew up at Trevor for something when I was really just frustrated at everyone (to be fair, Trevor did something that I told him was off-limits - the only thing they REALLY get pissed off about - when we first met). SJ shares the blame, as well, since he was going for it, but.. what really pissed me off was just how they all acted like children the whole time. It wasn't until after yelling that those two were back down to a tolerable level, and there was only one child left... one that stuck around for much longer. Suffice to say, I have a short fuse. Exactly why I'm not fit to be a leader of any community.

Afte rthe Parkour session was a quick conditioning session involving the tire. It wasn't very long-lived, but it was entertainng enough and my legs are pretty much feeling it after all I did today. Good day, overall.

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