Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ME Upper Body + Binh Dinh Kung Fu

Yeah, it might seem like overkill, but I forewent the cardio after the lifting and the BDKF was several hours later. I was, however, extremely dehydrated at the time of the lifting, so there was a small bit of puke when I got home.

ME Bench Press w/ bands:
1x5 135lbs
1x5 145lbs
1x5 155lbs
1x3 165lbs
3x3 175lbs

1x10 BW pull-ups
1x9 BW pull-ups

3x8 2x45lbs bent over DB rows
3x8 2x35lbs overhead DB press

3x15 2x45lbs DB shrugs

3x8 2x30lbs Zottman curls

I added in the curls because I have a feeling that Zottman curls can strengthen the muscles around my elbow joint better than bench pressing alone would.


1:00 BDKF

After running through the first two forms several times, and the two fight drills from last week, I learned an additional two drills as well as the counter-attack portion to the initial drills. I'm also sad to see how easily my dad gets winded these days. This is a legacy I must carry on.. And it needs to be sooner than later.

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