Sunday, April 12, 2009

ME Upper Body

Upper body warm-up

ME Bench Press w/bands:
1x5 115lbs
1x5 135lbs
1x5 145lbs
4x3 155lbs

Supplemental pull-ups w/bands (pulling down):

3x12 2x45lbs bent over DB row
3x8 2x30lbs lateral raises

3x12 2x45lbs shrugs
3x8 2x35lbs overhead press
8:00 HIIT stationary bike

I did two supersets today because after the first one, I noticed a bloke with absolutely terrible bench form (J-arc, elbows flared), so I told him to press in a straight line or else missing the lift would cause the bar to land on his face.. He appreciated the tip, had me watch him for awhile while we corrected things.. and then proceeded to show me EVERYTHING he does n the gym.. I felt bad fo rhim, so I stuck around and followed him.. Turns out he was in a severe car accident and just got out of rehab.. There's staples and plates all over him and he's really depressed about not being able to move properly anymore. :(

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