Thursday, April 30, 2009

Firefighter CPAT Sim + Themed Training

Earlier in the day, Trey and I went out and did some simulated runs of the CPAT tests to become a firefighter. Here's what we did:

1) Stair-climb; six stories; 50lb vest+25lbs
2) Sled drag; 75lbs through 2xlength of parking lot (pretty far); 50lbs vest
3) Farmers walks; 2x25lbs either side, half of parking lot and back; 50lbs vest
4) QM; half of parking lot then gave up; 50lbs vest

Okay, so it doesn't sound like a whole lot, but when you're wearing 50lbs thorughout everything, you get wiped out pretty quickly. ANd this is only half of the test! Still, it felt very productive.

For the GMU session, I wore a 20lb vest and though I didn't have any specific theme, we did a lot of box jumping after the warm-up. I managed to get a pretty decent height (sternum-ish) with the vest on, but it was gradual. Eventually, I took the vest off and began to work on more technical stuff, but we can call it a Dynamic Effort day. ;) Over all, the night felt very productive. A nice way to end the GMU sessions, or at least my tenure of it.

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