Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Past Few Days

I deliberately didn't update on the VTech Statewide this weekend because I probably don't have all that much to write about it. On Saturday, after we warmed up, there was really just a lot of play. It was hot as hell outside, shirts came off, and we did so much volume that everyone was beaten and dead by the end of the day. Things that looked too large months ago, though, looked tiny.. This means, to me, that the Westside program has been extremely effective. Many people also made comments about my physique which made me feel awkward. I certainly don't feel all that much bigger, but I guess I look it. Early on, Leon compared me to Jesse Woody back when he was predominantly strength training.

The second day of the statewide was grueling. Everyone was so tired that it was pitiful. Jumps that should've been easy were taken with the utmost discretion. Basically, it was like we were all beginners again and had forgotten how to jump. Our legs, arms, abs.. none of it worked properly. And for this reason, Monday was a full and complete rest day for me.

Onto tonight!

Max Effort Box Squats:
1x5 135lbs
1x5 185lbs
1x5 225lbs
1x5 245lbs
3x3 275lbs

3x6 2x45lbs DB reverse lunges, each leg

3x12 BW ham-glute bridges

Ab circuit:
0:30 Med ball Mason twists (15lbs)
0:30 Jackknives

10:00 jog on treadmill; distance at end 1.4mi

Still not completely fresh from this weekend. But I'll take whatever I can get.

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