Friday, September 11, 2009

DE Lower Body/ME Upper


Lower body warm-up

DE Hang Cleans:
2x3 95lbs
6x3 115lbs

3x6 185 Reverse lunges

Posterior Chain:
3x8 25lbs single-leg hyperextension, each leg


Upper body warm-up

ME Bench Press w/ Mini-bands (dbl looped):
1x8 empty bar
1x5 95lbs
2x5 115lbs
1x5 135lbs
1x5 155lbs*
2x5 115lbs
1x5 95lbs

Vertical Pull:
3x10 Pull-ups

3x8 2x50lbs DB Bench

Shoulders Superset (Hor. pull+ver. push):
3x8 2x30lbs Rear delt flies
3x8 2x30lbs Overhead Press

2x15 secs 115lbs SCDLs, each hand

So.. first time I've ever double-looped the bands like that. Both ends are looped around a DB at the bottom and the middle of the band is draped over the barbell. what does this mean? Pretty much, it's the full resistance of the band, roughly more than 6 feet of stretch going on there.. and MUCH more resistance than I've experienced before. I'm thinking 25-30lbs per band at the top. And not slack at the bottom, either. This is the way the bands SHOULD be.

Well, I overestimated my ability. I got stapled on the last rep of 155.. So I dropped down. The banded bench is ridiculously tough. I didn't expect that at all.

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