Saturday, September 19, 2009

ME Upper Body+Parkour

Boxing warm-up

ME Bench Press w/ Mini-bands:
1x8 empty bar
1x5 65lbs
1x5 95lbs
1x5 115lbs
3x5 125lbs

2x6 2x45lbs DB Incline

Vertical Pull:
3x10 Kipping Pull-ups

Horizontal Pull/Vertical Push (Superset):
3x8 2x30lbs Rear Delt Flies
3x8 2x30lbs OHP

Elbow Flexion:
4x45lbs Twitch Rep/Strict Curl alternations

So I tried to weigh down the mini-bands with 40s today (technically, this all happened on Friday, but I'm going to tlak as if it was today).. And they were floating JUST above the ground. Could barely notice until you touched one nad it dangled freely. So.. The bands are offering 40lbs of resistance at the top, it seems. Just a bit more than I expected. I knew I had thems tretched more than 6 feet (where they should be offering 25), but this is.. pretty impressive. My body's adapting to the bands a bit and getting a more powerful drive up, so that's always nice.

Now, Parkour tonight was HUUUUGE. I don't know how word spread, but it spread like wildfire. Okay, it's not the biggest group I've ever had to deal with, but it was about 10, and I'm used to like.. four. So I'm pleasantly surprised. A new guy, Thomas, has a lot of natural experience and has done it with his friends for quite some time, so it'll be nice to have his help when more and more people come. It seems like he's very much into the whole strengtht hing, too, even if he's a gymnast and has different ideas of what "strength" are. Either way, good guy and it'll be nice to have him around.

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